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Whale Watching in the Azores

Whale Watching in the Azores
Whale Watching in the Azores
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Whale Watching In The Azores

As with all the countries that we aspire to tick off the bucket list there are also mammals that live amongst us on this planet that I would love to witness in my lifetime. One of those is the largest of them all – the Blue Whale. I always thought growing up that I would have to be whale-watching miles from land and deep in the heart of one of the world’s great oceans to see this incredible animal but actually, it’s a lot closer and easier than you might think.

The seas around the Azores are some of the very best locations to observe ocean wildlife including in spring, the Blue Whale. To do so, however, it is always best to take guidance from the experts. The AITO (Association of Independent Tour Operators) specialist Archipelago Choice features a range of really fantastic niche destinations and also provides just such expertise with their dedicated whale-watching tours that include a four-day whale and dolphin watching trip, a marine biologist and whaling history lesson as well as a full day guided tour of the main capital San Miguel.

Here is what they have to say about a destination and an experience that I know I would never forget and I bet you wouldn’t too

The First Choice For The Azores

Over the past three decades, the Azores islands have transformed into Europe’s leading whale-watching destination.

Most of us are familiar with the Azores by name but locating them on a map is often a little trickier. These unique islands lie 1500km off the coast of Portugal; nine wonderfully diverse, unspoiled landscapes which form the most-westerly outpost of Europe.

From the first settlers arriving in the 15th Century, these rural island communities have strived to strike a difficult balance between sustainable island living whilst taming a wild and volcanic landscape. The islands’ calderas, crater lakes, lava caves and geothermal pools have long been an attraction for Europeans looking to escape the busy mainland.  And as you’d expect, the Atlantic Ocean has always loomed large in the Azores’ psyche.

Whale Watching, Nature, The Azores

Whale Watching Tourism

The seas around the Azores are one of the best places to observe cetaceans and ocean wildlife: resident species of bottlenose dolphins, north-Atlantic spotted dolphins, sperm whales, loggerhead turtles, blue sharks, storm petrels, and Cory’s shearwaters can be seen throughout the year. For whale and dolphin watchers, peak season begins in March and runs right through to the end of October., and the highlight for many is in April when the larger migratory species are passing through the big blue whales and fin whales heading north for the summer.

Whale tourism has become a crucial part of the islands’ economy. Whale watching helps to support cetacean studies and conservation via MONICET: a voluntary research organization that collates the sightings data from whale-watching crews across the whole of the Azores. This data provides a year-on-year record of the lives of the resident whales and dolphins, and whale tourism plays a vital role in supporting their continuing research.

Azores Attractions

Of the nine islands, Sao Miguel, Faial and Pico are three of our favourites for whale watching. Being the largest island, Sao Miguel has the most to see and do when you’re not at sea – particularly if you love keeping active and enjoy kayaking, diving, hiking, and biking.

The Furnas Valley in the east has over thirty geysers and mineral-rich springs and is home to the Azores’ most famous geothermal swimming pools. To the west is the island’s largest caldera Sete Cidades – a must-see destination for most visitors to the islands for its extraordinary beauty.

History To Discover

The small and unassuming island of Faial is also one of our favourite whale-watching locations. Faial holds a surprisingly significant place in European history. Its natural harbour was a popular resupply point for Portuguese sailing fleets in the 16th & 17th Centuries – and 20th Century seaplanes making the first trans-Atlantic crossings in the 1930s.

The 19th Century saw the island’s capital Horta become the H.Q. for the large telegraph companies whose new technologies were connecting the old world with the new – their under-sea telegraph cables which stretched from the UK and Germany to the USA and Canada all connected in mid-Atlantic Faial. In World War II, H.Q. Horta and its telegraph network became a vital communications hub connecting the D-Day landing beaches to the US during the battle of Normandy in 1944.

Volcanic Landscapes

Faial is also home to one of the most striking volcanic landscapes in the Azores at Capelinhos – the site of a major volcanic eruption from September 1957 to October 1958.

Over 2km² of land was created – however more than 300 homes were also destroyed, and the eruption led to the emigration of 4000 residents (mainly to North America).

A Sustainable Future

The neighbouring island of Pico is where Azorean whale watching all began; in the imposing shadow of Mount Pico, Portugal’s highest peak at 2,351m.

Serge Viallelle emigrated to the island from his native France when whale hunting ended in the 1980s. Settling in Lajes on Pico’s south coast, he saw a new future for the island’s whale spotters – by combining their skills and experience with his passion for marine conservation, he demonstrated that whale tourism was the sustainable way forward. Sadly, Serge passed away at the end of 2019 but his legacy lives on – not only in Pico, but across the whole of the Azores.

Contact Information

Archipelago Choice – have been exploring the world for over 20 years, creating ATOL-protected imaginative, tailor-made holidays for people who love to travel.

If you’d like to learn more about whale watching in the Azores, contact Paul from Archipelago Choice as follows:

T: 01768 775672
E: paul@archipelagochoice.com  
W: www.archipelagochoice.com

A Taste of Asia With TransIndus

Kulfi, Transindus, India
Kulfi, Transindus, India

A Taste Of Asia

India and experiencing a taste of Asia has always been a country that I have yearned to visit yet somehow over the past 50 years it has somehow eluded me! With India so often on my mind, it was therefore really exciting to be contacted recently by the Asia specialist and AITO (Association of Independent Tour Operators) member Transindus who expressed an interest in writing a rather unique blog for “Just One For The Road”. I do love the AITO tour operators – small niche businesses that truly know their product – I guess I have always been a lover of travel companies that specialise in one region – in this case Asia – and don’t diversify to another continent and profess to be experts when they are not. One look at the TransIndus website and you will discover a rich variety of holidays and tours to suit every interest and taste. Now speaking of taste that is, without a doubt, one of the many reasons I would love to visit India – the food! Anyone I have ever known to visit has come back raving about the incredible fresh cuisine, the spices, the smells and unique flavours not to mention the friendly people, the culture, the sights and the sounds of a non-stop country steeped in history and tradition. However I will be honest ….when I first read that the piece was going to be food-related I was expecting a spicy little number but no, our friends at TransIndus knew I had a sweet tooth and presented me with the tale of a frozen dessert….. Kulfi! Well as they say the proof is in the pudding…. so… while you read their blog I will be donning an apron and making my very own Kulfi. If you head over to my Facebook page this weekend you can see how I got on – will I be the new King of the Kulfi or will this be a recipe for disaster – time will tell !?!

TransIndus – The Asia Specialists

Established thirty years ago, TransIndus was one of the first tour operators to specialise in luxury, tailor-made holidays to India. Our mission statement was to help people get to the heart and soul of the destination and experience local culture and society rather than just the tourist site. As the years progressed, we added new regions of India and new countries and destinations to our product portfolio. Today, we run group tours and tailor-made holidays throughout Asia to countries as far-reaching as South Korea, Uzbekistan, Jordan and Vietnam alongside our bread and butter – India and the subcontinent.
A Taste of Asia Golden Temple India
A Taste of Asia Golden Temple India

Knowledgable Staff

Being an independent, small, local business, we are a tight-knit team. We know our specialist destinations inside out. Many have lived there, returned regularly, and refreshed their knowledge through training, webinars and events. We love to share our latest discoveries with clients, whether that is a beautiful new boutique hotel or a local tour of a market or village.  Our teams know the hidden corners of the Asian continent as well as the best times to visit the most popular tourist sites to avoid crowds or take the best photos.

Unique Experiences

With decades of experience organising holidays and group tours to Asia, we have tried and tested thousands of hotels, experiences, and adventures for every type of traveller. Performing arts, handicrafts and minority communities have always been a major focus of ours and we can create specialist itineraries throughout Asia with these in mind. In the past, we have put together itineraries like a Korean Ceramics Tour, a Culinary Tour of Kerala and an itinerary that traces the Lord Buddha’s footsteps throughout India and Nepal.

Service & Care

Each quote we build is personalised and completely bespoke, based on taking the time to get to know our clients and find out what they hope to gain from a particular trip. We pride ourselves on this level of personalised service and as a result, enjoy five-star reviews on TrustPilot and customers who return to us over and over again to travel to new destinations. During the height of the coronavirus pandemic, we also safely repatriated all of our clients including those in the most remote of places. Today, we offer an Amendment Guarantee in our COVID Promise that allows clients to postpone their holiday, change the destination or do a name change on the booking up to 30 days before departure to allow for as much flexibility as possible. Furthermore, all of our holidays will operate under the strictest standards of health and safety. We have reduced the size of our group tours from a maximum of 12 guests to eight and we are working with our suppliers and partners in our destinations to ensure our hotels and modes of transport are covid-safe.

A Taste of Asia

If there is a fairy tale in the Indian kitchen it has to be the tale of the Kulfi, originating in the Mughal Empire’s royal kitchen and frozen in ice from the Himalayas. Ancient India was a vast land ruled by many rulers and visited by traders and travellers from far and wide, who with themselves brought a potpourri of recipes and ideas. The dessert likely originated in the 16th century during the Mughal Empire. Interestingly Emperor Akbar’s administrative record, Ain-I-Akbari, has references to the transportation of Himalayan ice from Choor Chandani Dhar in Himachal Pradesh to warmer areas and also the use of saltpetre for refrigeration. Originally this ice was used to cool water and freshly made fruit sherbet. It wouldn’t have taken long to stumble upon a recipe to use crushed ice to cool milk and result in the famous and very loved Kulfi! A dense mixture of flavoured & sweetened evaporated milk packed into tightly sealed metal cones then placed in an earthen pot (matka) submerged in slurry ice resulted in what we know as Kulfi or Qulfi – derived from the Persian word Qufli meaning “covered cup”. A heavenly delight that slowly melts in the mouth devoid of any ice crystals. The absence of air differentiates it from western ice cream. This delicately flavoured frozen dessert is prepared by boiling milk over low flame until it reduces a thick creamy consistency which is high in fat, protein and lactose density. It must be stirred continuously to keep the milk from sticking to the bottom of the vessel and burning. Kulfi on its own has a very distinctive taste as the lactose sugar in milk is caramelized during the slow and lengthy cooking process. The thick milk concoction is and can be flavoured widely. Traditionally Kulfi has been mostly flavoured with Saffron, Pistachio, dry fruits or Rosewater. Seasonal fruits are also widely used to flavour this frozen dessert, the most popular being mango-flavoured Kulfi.
A Taste of Asia, Transindus
A Taste of Asia, Transindus

Regional Variants

Not to be missed is the Himachali variant of Kulfi known as ‘Malai Barfi’ served on a leaf in the Kangra District of Himachal Pradesh.  The ingredients are Milk, Cardamom, Khoa (milk solid) and sugar. The Taste Of Asia flavours don’t stop here, being a large country, the flavours have been influenced by geography, local taste buds and the curiosity & skills of culinary experts. Like pomegranate-flavoured kulfi in Hyderabad and the use of coconut cream further down south. One of the quirkiest twists to the Kulfi has to be the Kulfi Sandesh.  Found in sweet shops in Kolkata (West Bengal), this is a fusion of the Kulfi concoction mixed with all the ingredients of Sandesh (a Bengali sweet made of cottage cheese). The mixture is then put in moulds, steamed and then chilled. The result – a really tasty dessert on a hot summer day! Almost every city in India will have its famous Kulfi stall. The best that I have come by has to be Kuremal Kulfi in Old Delhi, they have been in the business since 1906 and Ashrafi Kulfi in Ahmedabad (Gujarat) established in 1954. The avatars of ‘Kulfi’ that one would find here are a tantalizing sight for the one with a sweet tooth! From the common Kulfi on a stick to stuffed Kulfi, Roll cut to roller Kulfi and the option of Kulfi with various toppings.

Childhood Memories

The popularity of Kulfi in India is so great that every child and grown-up will have a Kulfi-related memory, be it the tinkle of the Kulfi seller’s bell or the gently rolling off the kulfi mould between the palms, a technique to take out the dessert from its mould without breaking! Geographically Kulfi extends its popularity well beyond the Indian borders, into Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Myanmar (Burma), Sri Lanka and some parts of the Middle East. Many recipes are showcasing the Taste of Asia. These are now available online and in various cookbooks. We tried and tested one below, a simple and easy-to-follow recipe that makes 2 servings. A Taste of Asia Children

The Taste Of Asia Recipe

2-litre milk, full cream ¼ cup cream, optional ¼ cup sugar, adjust to your sweetness 20 pistachios, chopped 2 tbsp saffron milk (soak a few saffron threads in 2 tbsp of warm milk.) ½ tsp cardamom powder


Use a flat and thick-bottomed pan to boil 2 litres of milk. Bring to a boil and then lower the heat to low Add cream and stir well. Simmer for about 30 minutes and add sugar (keep stirring) Simmer until the milk thickens completely Add chopped pistachios, saffron milk and Cardamom powder Give a good mix and stir for another 5 minutes Completely Cool the thickened milk mixture (can take over an hour) Transfer to Kulfi moulds and freeze overnight

To Serve

Remove the moulds from the freezer and slowly warm them up by rubbing them between your palms. You can also dip it in warm water (quicker). Gently remove from the mould and eat quickly. If you do not have kulfi moulds you can use a plastic cup and cover tightly with cling wrap or Ice lolly moulds work okay as well. You can get as creative as you want and so experience the taste of Asia. A Taste of Asia Transindus India Woman

Contact Information

If you enjoyed a taste of Asia and are thinking of looking into a trip to India or Asia, please contact your local AITO travel agent or you can contact TransIndus as follows: Phone: 07947 761 237 Email: enquiries@transindus.com Website: www.transindus.co.uk

Ecuador & The Galapagos Islands

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Introducing Ecuador & the Galapagos Islands

Ecuador is the smallest of Andean countries and lies between Peru and Colombia on the equator. However, do not let the size put you off. This South American country has an amazing array of attractions from breathtaking nature to wild beaches and from colonial architecture to indigenous tribes.

From the frozen peaks of Chimborazo to the lush forests of Parque Nacional Yasuní and the tropical Pacific coast, and all within easy reach of Quito, its capital.

The majority of Ecuadorians speak Spanish, but there are more than 20 other dialects spoken across the country including Kichwa, the language of the Inca Empire. Most of Ecuador’s 14.5 million people are mestizos which is a mixture of Spanish and indigenous.

Ecuador is one of the most active areas for volcanoes in South America with eight active and a handful classed as possibly still alive!

As with Costa Rica’s “Pura Vida” slogan the Ecuadorian version is known as ‘Buen Vivir’ to protect a third of the nation’s land, to ensure continuing biodiversity. Examples of their intentions are demonstrated by their recent commitments to marine protection efforts.

Not far from Ecuador are the islands of the Galapagos, made famous by both Charles Darwin and in recent times, David Attenborough. If getting close to some of the most unique and enthralling wildlife on the planet is for you then perhaps you need to book an expedition cruise to see these glorious islands.  

Key Information

Continent South America
VisaFCO Advice
VaccinationsVaccination Advice
Tourist OfficeEcuador Tourist Board

Getting Around

Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands are only small so flights from Quito or Quayaquil are usually less than an hour and connect most of the main towns and of course the Galapagos Islands.

The bus network is generally pretty good reliable and excellent value for money.

Car Hire
If you are 25 or over you can hire a car but with the good bus service and road conditions a little mixed I would suggest opting for the bus.

Becoming increasingly popular however hiring them is scarce so bring your own and enjoy the ride!

Services are very limited however a couple of new enjoyable and scenic routes have started in recent times and are worth considering between Quito and Guayaquil as well as Quito to El Boliche.

Top Things To See & Do

An ideal base from which to explore everything that Ecuador has to offer visitors. The town itself is relatively small but packed with interesting sights due in main to its colonial past as well as its churches monasteries and bustling markets.

Otavalo and the Northern Sierra
For a taste of authenticity. the area north of Quito is home to some traditional attractions in terms of local crafts like leather and woodcarving. In Otavalo, the legendary Saturday market showcases the local weaving industry. The area also attracts active holidaymakers who like walking and hiking due to the valleys, lakes, and volcanoes. 

The Central Sierra
South of Quito, in the central Sierra, you will find Cotopaxi and Chimborazo – the two most celebrated volcanoes in Ecuador. Further interests are small villages featuring fabulous markets, beautiful lakes, little spa towns, and even a scenic train journey from Riobamba.

Cuenca and the Southern Sierra
The colonial city of Cuenca, a UNESCO World Heritage Site is a must-visit and close to Ingapirca for Inca ruins and the mesmerising Parque Nacional Cajas. Then further south you will find the Parque Nacional Podocarpus and the mountain village of Vilcabamba.

The Oriente
The Reserva Faunística Cuyabeno and the Parque Nacional Yasuní are Amazonian rain forests and from here you can experience the wildlife and the lives of the indigenous people who live here.

The Northern Lowlands and Coast
For bird watching and cloud forests head northwest of Quito. Firstly there is the village of Mindo and then the Reserva Ecológica Manglares Cayapas-Mataje which is best viewed from a canoe. For its beaches fun head to Atacames.

Guayaquil and the Southern Coast
Montanite is a popular hangout for surfers and backpackers, while Salinas is perhaps the country’s most famed seaside resort. Guayaquil is the main port while the mangrove forests of the Reserva-Ecológica Manglares Churute and the petrified forest of Puyango are worth exploring.

The Galapagos Islands
These magical islands are a nature lover’s dream with opportunities to view weird and wonderful wildlife up close both on land or underwater. You can also visit the Charles Darwin Center to learn more about his historic adventures and studies here.

Pre-bookable Excursions in Ecuador

More Information

The Ecuador Tourist Office provides a wide choice of useful information including places to go, things to do and what you can expect from the weather.

Luxury Expedition Yachts in the Galapagos

Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands Travel Blog
Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands Travel Blog
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Ecoventura Galapagos Islands

Until a recent Instagram exchange, the expedition cruise company Ecoventura was an unfamiliar name to me but then that’s no surprise as I have yet to fulfil one of my life’s ambitions to follow in the footsteps of Charles Darwin and David Attenborough to witness the inspiring wildlife of Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands which excited me so much as a little kid back in the seventies.

I was therefore delighted to recently learn more about the Ecoventura Cruise Company and the quality product that they have to offer visitors embarking on that journey of a lifetime to the Galapagos Islands.

Pacific Adventures

Ecoventura is a family-owned multi-award-winning luxury expedition cruise company. For nearly three decades, Ecoventura has led adventurous travellers to some of the most extraordinary and untouched corners of the earth.

They provide emotional, authentic adventures that emphasize the destination’s awe-inspiring features while minimizing the impact on the delicate ecosystem.  These are voyages that cater to every traveller’s exacting demands without compromising their commitment to sustainability.

Ecoventura Expedition Yachts

Ecoventura boasts a collection of expedition yachts. There are two luxury expedition yachts, the Origin and Theory. A first-class yacht, the Ecoventura Letty. A 16-passenger luxury dive live-aboard, the Galapagos Sky. They are also soon to take delivery of a third expedition yacht – the Evolve.

Origin & Theory provides sleek, stylish modern spaces ensuring that guests feel as if they are on board a privately chartered yacht.  Every element has been designed for comfort and sustainability. From inviting staterooms with panoramic windows to world-class cuisine, blending tasteful design, luxury amenities and environmental sustainability.  

Both Origin & Theory are the only vessels in the Galapagos Islands to be accepted as a member of the esteemed Relais & Châteaux collection, joining a distinguished group of hoteliers, chefs and restaurateurs that have set the standard for excellence in hospitality. Guests can be reassured once on board that they will receive the highest standards for food & beverage, service from the crew and amenities on board and in their staterooms.

Experienced Staff

An experienced 13-member Ecuadorian crew includes a high-level Captain, a concierge, up to three naturalist guides (one for every eight guests) and the lowest guide-to-guest ratio in Galapagos. The outstanding naturalists delight in sharing their knowledge and passion. With a maximum of just 20 guests on board, there is nothing to get in the way of your personal experience.

Every day in the Galapagos brings intriguing opportunities to explore on land, from guided walks along pristine beaches or hikes on volcanic lava and through tunnels or lush vegetation.  Observe the marine environment with excursions by Zodiac, glass-bottom boat, snorkelling, stand-up paddleboard or kayak.  The Galapagos itineraries highlight the very best wildlife, landscapes, marine environment and history. 

Guests can choose between two different 7-night Ecoventura Cruises itineraries, each of which showcases the best the Galapagos has to offer. And if they can’t decide between them, they can, of course, combine both for a two-week exploration of the entire archipelago”.

Ecoventura Cabin Comforts

It’s a good thing there’s so much to see and do in the Galapagos, or guests might never leave the comfort of their staterooms.  Along with large windows providing expansive ocean views, the ten staterooms are roomy and inviting, with individual climate control, plush bedding, private modern bathrooms, plenty of storage space and other luxury amenities. 

Cabins are cleaned regularly throughout the day, and hand sanitising stations have been placed throughout the communal parts of each vessel. Guests are provided with personal alcohol-based hand sanitisers and each yacht is disinfected before each voyage. Crew members are tested for COVID-19 before boarding and are required to wear masks and other safety equipment based on their role.

Wine & Dine

Dine on delicious cuisine creatively prepared by expert chefs using fresh, locally sourced ingredients.   The elegant dining room features marble table tops, with configurations from two to eight guests for private or group dining.

During the week, guests will be delighted by a cooking demonstration and BBQ lunch served al fresco on the spacious sundeck. The sundeck is the ideal place to unwind between island excursions. The area offers shade with day beds, loungers, woven hammocks, tables and chairs, a restroom, an outdoor shower, a BBQ and a wet bar.

Enjoy a generous open bar policy including red, white and sparkling wine, local beer and spirits, espresso and cappuccino.  Then there is always the intimate indoor bar which is always open for speciality cocktails, wine, beer, sodas, juices, coffee, and tea.

Ecoventura On Board Facilities

Interior social areas include a comfortable lounge for the evening briefing. Here there are also enrichment lectures offered by the naturalists or to watch a documentary.  Borrow a book from the library stocked with publications on the Galapagos and Charles Darwin. Visit the boutique offering high-quality local handicrafts, sundries, and gift items.

Relax in the Jacuzzi hot tub or work out in the fitness centre equipped with a treadmill, free weights, yoga mats, and more.

Wifi is available throughout the vessel at no additional cost.

Wildlife En Route

Ecoventura’s desire to offer small groups the most inspiring Galapagos wildlife experience possible while offering hands-on exploration of nature with enough varied activities is sure to leave a lasting impression in each guest’s life. You can enjoy hiking through trails of volcanic formations or witnessing nesting sea birds. Experience moments on a secluded beach with hundreds of sea lions, snorkelling with penguins and sharks, kayaking in a secluded cove or taking a zodiac ride to explore the shoreline and spot wildlife. 

They understand that ecosystems are fragile, yet important environments, and they know first-hand the impact our adventures have on sustaining local communities. With profound respect and admiration, you will gain a renewed spirit about how amazing nature can be on every journey.

Sustainable Tourism

Leading the way in sustainable tourism, Ecoventura was the first company to earn the voluntary certification, Smart Voyager and the first company in Galapagos to offset carbon emissions and install solar-powered energy sources.   To ensure the local community benefits from tourism, the company established the Galapagos Marine Biodiversity Fund in partnership with the World Wildlife Fund in 2006 to support marine conservation by strengthening the local communities’ ability to manage natural resources. 

In 2017, a new partnership was formed with Ecoventura and the Charles Darwin Foundation to create the Galapagos Biodiversity & Education for Sustainability Fund. Ecoventura annually supports Ecology Project International through scholarships and career mentoring for local high-school students to study conservation directly in the field and ecology-related issues. The company partners with local non-profits to bring needed supplies through Pack for a Purpose.

Through these various initiatives, the company has become the pacesetter in responsible tourism to preserve and protect the Galapagos Islands.

Ecoventura Contact Information

All Ecoventura expeditions can be booked via your local travel agent or via a selection of UK South America tour operators who feature Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands.

Be sure to also check out the Ecoventura Galapagos Reviews on Trip Advisor.

St Lucia

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Introducing St Lucia

The volcanic island of St Lucia is certainly one of the greenest and most beautiful of the Caribbean islands which border the Atlantic Ocean. The island is part of the Lesser Antilles and covers an area of 238 square miles.

Its twin peaks, the Pitons are the island’s most famous UNESCO-protected world heritage landmark. Castries is the capital and home to about one-third of the island’s population. St Lucia is also known for its pristine beaches, luscious rainforest, and La Soufriere volcano drawing in visitors for both relaxation, romance, and adventure.

The beaches at Grande Anse Beach, Anse Chastanet, and Sugar Beach are known as some of the best for diving snorkelling, or just putting your feet up.

For those more energetic there are some great hiking opportunities including the chance to climb, with a guide, the Gros Piton where you can reach the 2,600 summit after about two hours.

Many visitors arrive by cruise ship and they will be based in Castries while enjoying excursions to other popular locations such as Soufriere, Marigot Bay and Gros Islet.

Any visit will involve trying out the traditional Creole cuisine and of course the local rum. To get a better perspective on local life why not mix and dance with the crowds at the carnival held in the capital, Castries every year?

Key Information

Continent Caribbean
CurrencyEastern Caribbean Dollar
VisaFCO Advice
VaccinationsVaccination Advice
Tourist OfficeSt Lucia Tourist Authority

Getting Around

St Lucia’s main road forms a big loop around the island so the buses which are small minivans offer a fairly frequent and cost-effective option

Taxis in St Lucia are expensive and not metered so be careful when jumping in one at airports or hotels particularly.

People often think cycling is good for St Lucia but owing to the mountains and relatively poor roads there are better alternatives.

Water taxis are popular, especially between Rodney Bay in the north and Marigot Bay or Soufrière in the south.

When To Go

The peak season for weather in St Lucia runs from December through to May with the most popular period for tourists generally between Christmas in December to April.

The wet season runs from June to November.

Places to Stay in St Lucia

St Lucia is a popular destination for newlyweds and couples looking for romance and relaxation. There is a long list of spectacular hotels like the Ladera Resort and East Winds that provide high standards of service, the finest cuisine, impeccable accommodation, and Caribbean charm to ensure an experience you will never forget.

Very popular with UK and US guests are the three Sandals properties of Sandals Grande St Lucian, Sandals Regency La Toc, and Sandals Halcyon Beach.

Check out Trip Advisor for all St Lucia Hotel Reviews and price comparisons.

The Island of St Lucia, Caribbean
The Island of St Lucia, Caribbean

Food & Drink

The local Creole cuisine must not be missed. Barbeques offering chicken, pork, fish, and goat are cooked using local spices and served with various sides like plantain, breadfruit, macaroni, potato, and rice.

The fresh seafood is out of this world with many fine dining restaurants available in the main towns or as part of your hotel facilities.

Top Things To See & Do

Sault Waterfall
The 55 feet Sault Waterfall is one of the most spectacular waterfalls in St Lucia.

The Tet Paul Nature Trail
In Soufriere is the Tet Paul Scenic Trail which is a hike where you will pass pretty landscapes and agricultural land before reaching ‘Kaye Kassav,’ or Cassava House, known for its history in cassava production.

Boucan Spa
The spa at Boucan on the historical Rabot Estate has its spa where chocolate is considered good for you – I knew it !!

Marigot Bay
The playground of the rich and famous moor their yachts here and in the marina you can enjoy luxury catamaran tours, chic restaurants, and boutiques.

La Soufriere Volcano
The dormant Qualibou or La Soufriere Volcano is a great photo opportunity and place to marvel at Mother Nature. Check out the steaming sulphur springs and natural hot-water pools.

Pigeon Island National Park
This national park including a British-built fort is one of St Lucia’s top historical landmarks.

Gros Piton & Piton Flore
It is hard work however a guided hike up Gros Piton is well worth the effort for the views, nature, and flora as is a trek to the smaller Piton Flore.

Pre Bookable Excursions in St Lucia

More Information

The St Lucia Tourist Authority provides a wide choice of useful information including places to go, things to do and what you can expect from the weather.

For more Caribbean blogs check out Barbados

The Ladera Resort, St Lucia

Ladera Resort
Ladera Resort
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The Ladera Resort, St Lucia

Discover the allure of St. Lucia, the Caribbean gem that I have always dreamt of exploring. The lush green rainforest, the iconic Pitons – nature’s masterpiece. As a mountain enthusiast, this island beckons. Add the warmth of Caribbean hospitality, delectable cuisine, rum cocktails, soulful music, and endless sunshine – it’s a paradise waiting to be uncovered.

Now, all that’s left is finding the perfect haven. Enter Ladera Resort St Lucia – an exquisite adult-only retreat with a commitment to sustainability. Let’s hear what they had to say, revealing the wonders, activities, and must-see places at this extraordinary resort.

Caribbean Heaven

Create unforgettable moments of a lifetime at the Ladera Resort St Lucia, with luxury, romance, adventure, wellness, eco-friendly philosophy and the Dasheene restaurant’s culinary delights.

Uniquely located on a lush volcano ridge 1,000 feet above the Caribbean Sea, each luxurious suite boasts its private heated plunge pool and an “Open Wall” design, without a fourth wall, allowing for breathtaking panoramas of the Majestic Pitons and deep blue Caribbean Sea.

Rated one of the top 5 resorts of all magnificent resorts in the Caribbean, this intimate 37-suite getaway is situated on a UNESCO World Heritage Site. All Suites include Roundtrip Private Car Airport Transfers, Breakfast at the award-winning, Farm-to-Table Dasheene, and access to the soon-to-open, 18,000 sq. ft. Ladera Spa with mineral pool for a “Beyond the Rainforest” experience.

Exclusive Guest Experiences

The Essence of this Romantic Paradise is found among the staff who create the ambience. They also produce furniture with local hardwoods and stones and maintain fabulous wellness gardens. 

Exclusive “Ladera Guest Only” experiences include a private onsite guided Ladera Ridge hike to the top of the hike, where you feel as if you can touch Petite Piton, a tour of the wellness gardens, a visit to the Ladera Carpentry Shop, and yoga. Saturday mornings you may book an excursion with Chef Nigel Mitchel to visit the market in Soufriere and then return to Dasheene to prepare and enjoy a meal together.

Farm To Table Dining With A View

The award-winning Farm-to-Table Dasheene Restaurant features International Cuisine infused with  St. Lucian Spices, breathtaking views of the Pitons and Jade mountain, the sea, the St. Lucian sunset and a one-of-a-kind Dasheene Team, offering a friendly and welcoming atmosphere, promoting the Ladera Eco-Friendly Philosophy; This is why Dasheene is one of the best restaurants in St. Lucia and the Caribbean. 

Executive Chef Nigel Mitchel and his culinary team use products locally and organically grown on local farms, including the fresh seafood caught from the nearby waters and brought to the restaurant each morning, comprising 70% of what is made in the kitchen.  The Ladera Wellness Garden tour allows guests to experience the fruit and spices served in Dasheene and the fauna of St. Lucia.

A Team Of Sustainability Champions

With a Green Globe Certification, Ladera is a unique resort, committed to Luxury, unsurpassed guest service and environmental and community sustainability.  Under the guidance of General Manager, Christian Gandara, the staff are empowered to move forward with their passions to create progress in these areas.

The  “Ladera Green Team,” led by Sustainability Champions, Eustace and Vernette, meet to decide how they can commit and take action with sustainability at the resort, within the community and at their homes. The team planted trees at a local school and organized the main road cleanup, where they walked the streets down to the town and picked up trash.   Regularly, Ladera donates leftover guest amenities, old furniture and appliances to local charities and schools as well as prepares and donates food for local food banks.

Every day staff make a difference.  The three master craftsmen, Boniface, Eustace and Eustachius contribute daily to bettering the resort.  They use the tropical wood, tiles and stones found in St. Lucia to build and create onsite, in our carpentry shop at Ladera.  Many say Boniface’s pole, panel and sculpture creations are “living works of art, that enrich the natural surroundings

Eustace, the Property and Maintenance Manager, and Sustainability Champion, who has been at the resort for over 30 years, has built the resort with his bare hands and has become an integral part of the resort.  Eustachius has designed and built most of the furniture, in the resort, including the beds, exclusively to meet the Ladera Eco-friendly philosophy.

Beyond The Standard

Ray, the Ladera Head Gardener, is the master of landscaping, growing fruit trees, plants and most of the tropical flowers.  With his vast knowledge of flora and fauna, he shares his passion and expertise, conducting educational garden tours for guests. They also learn the true meaning of farm-to-table. He oversees the onsite wellness garden of local produce and herbs used at Dasheene, our award-winning, “Farm to Table” restaurant. We grow bananas, mangos, pineapples, local apples, starfruits, herbs, vegetables and many other plants.

The Ladera Staff conserve the whole product as much as possible.  For example, the Ladera Coconuts are used for fresh coconut water at the bar and coconut treats in the pastry.  The leftover shells are returned to Ray, the Gardner, who uses them as the border of the gardens to contain the earth from erosion for irrigation purposes and as a decorative piece.  Any leftover fruit is fed to the birds in over 50 birdfeeders across the property.  Leftover bread is fed to the fish in the pond and composting of leftover food and bio-degradable products is done daily.

A Plastic Free Ladera Resort, St Lucia

Aside from eliminating 85,000 plastic water bottles with the resort’s partnership with  ”Just Water,” they have eliminated plastic straws and provided and promoted reusable items with food services such as cloth napkins, glass cups, and silverware.  The gift shop sells sustainable, fair trade products and cruelty-free guest amenity products are provided in all our accommodations.  Even the yoga mats are eco-friendly and all cleaning products are from Ecolab.

Conserving water and energy are natural everyday best practices at Ladera.  There are several water conservation systems in place throughout the resort. The rain harvesting program captures and stores rainwater for use in the resort’s irrigation system for landscaping.  The team is always creating ways to conserve energy from water solar heaters for hot water in the kitchen and suites to replacing bulbs with CFL or LED lights. Ladera also observes the global initiative Earth Hour every March by turning off all non-essential lights at the resort for 1-hour.

Memories To Last A Lifetime

In addition to the Ladera Eco-Friendly philosophy at the resort, there is so much more on St. Lucia that you can experience.  You can enjoy Ziplining, Horseback Riding, and Hiking to the top of the Pitons. There are Boat Rides with Snorkeling, swimming in the mud baths, and the Sulphur Springs. 

Ladera Resort St Lucia is the perfect setting for honeymoons, weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, adventures, wellness and just relaxing and watching the sunset.

Contact Information

The Ladera Resort, St Lucia or any resorts in the Caribbean can be booked via your local travel agent, a choice of UK tour operators or by contacting the hotel directly:

Ladera Resort
Rabot Estate, Soufriere
St Lucia
West Indies

Reservations: Reservations@ladera.com
Telephone: 758.459 6600
Toll-free: 1-844-ST-LUCIA (78-58242)

Trade Agents Contact:
Sian Jungreuthmayer UK Representative 
Email: sian@ladera.com Mobile:+44(0)7715490591